

时间:2019-10-14  来源:  作者:  浏览次数:

   父亲搬到新家后,他在社区一个不起眼的角落开了一块棕榈大小的田地。从那时起,他的生活开始变得忙碌起来,每天花费一两个小时,除草,施肥并在田间捉虫。给一个小田野,围上美丽的篱笆。其他人的土地上种有大蒜,葱种子和青豆。图片是绿色的,醒目的且美味。只有父亲的田地里开满了花,主要是草本植物,例如可以染指甲的香脂,叶大的大麻,常年开花的水母,后来的玉更香。在开花季节,花园里到处都是紫色和红色,香味飘散在云层之外。当我晚上散步时,总会有人呆在父亲的花前,仔细看,蹲下,然后赞美一下,父亲就像一个被赞美的孩子,有些激动不知所措。当然,还有顽皮的孩子,他们失去了父亲的视线,并折叠了父亲的花朵。在这个时候,我父亲常常很生气,要赶上那些麻烦的孩子,但是我在哪里可以赶上呢?眨眼间,那些孩子在风中飘远……父亲不得不威胁在他身后,如果有下一次,一定要去父母那里,让你调皮吗?但是那些孩子并没有认真对待事情,比如耳边的风,晚风中的笑声和逃跑。 I once asked my father, I planted so many flowers, I didn’t want to eat or drink, and I’m tired of it. If I’m not sensible, I’ll break up your hard work and smash it. Why are you suffering? The father laughed and said that he was not really angry. He felt that it was a pity that the flowers were ruined, so they only scared them. After half a day, my father said, I planted flowers, and it was a pleasure to get it. It was a fun! I stayed for a long while, think about it, and have fun with flowers. Why not? That is, without hindering others, and having fun, why not? It’s better than the innermost melancholy and resentful. San Mao said that everyone has an acre of land and what is it used to plant? Planting peach species and spring breeze. In fact, everyone's heart has an invisible field that is invisible. Everyone is busy planting and harvesting all his life. From morning to night, it is hard work, but the form of seeding is different. Some people plant a warm seed in the heart, use a kind, simple and sincere heart to perceive and appreciate the world, and embrace and accept the world with a loving heart. Such people will reap peace. And happiness. Some people plant a kindness and seed in the heart, use a white lotus-like heart to help those who need help, not asking for reward, not gratitude, such people will gain warmth and joy. Some people plant a seed of desire in the heart, wanting the east, wanting the west, wanting too much, the sound of dogs and horses, everything wants, being grilled by greedy flames, such people Will gain depression and torture. 有些人在自己的心中种下了罪恶的种子。人们天生就没有罪恶的心。人性是善良的,但是一些机会和原因使人的内心有罪恶的想法,想报仇,想无所求事。等等,这样的人会受到痛苦和惩罚。佛陀说,正是出于这个原因,才能孕育好理由并取得好的果实。每个人心中都有一英亩土地,每个人都在忙于种植和收割。在田野的中心,只有种下了阳光和鲜花,春天才会明媚。每个人都有一英亩土地,用来种植什么?种桃子,春风,种希望,种幸福!

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