

时间:2019-10-25  来源:  作者:  浏览次数:

   从铁牛时代开始,我就喜欢住在三娘隔壁的温室中。那时,他们还很小,并且一起玩。铁牛认真地说:“崔!我长大了,告诉你当个daughter妇。”大人们笑了,崔也笑了,笑脸上的红脸说:“铁牛,我老婆笨拙?”铁牛ed了挠头说:““妇是……那是……最亲密的人!”看完大人之后,他笑了起来,俯身向前,尴尬地笑了。没有人认真对待一个五岁孩子的话。只有崔记得那天下午,甚至把它锁在心上。转眼间,铁牛和崔都长大了。它们之间的关系变得微妙。当铁牛看着崔时,他的眼睛是直的,当崔看着铁牛时,他的脸是红的。这让崔的父母感到震惊。停止Cui的原因非常简单。铁牛没有上高中。一生后,他是一个农民。与崔不同,她考上了高中。崔刚毅的父母根除了两者之间新发的情感,也打碎了铁牛的心。崔走了,上了大学,碰巧这时候,崔的父亲在床上抚摸着他,无法找到农民的工作。她也有母亲的一天在床上等着,田野的商人也冷清了。我母亲额头骨折。铁牛看着他的眼睛,伤了他的心。他悄悄地到了崔氏家族的土地上,转过土地种植,这比他自己家的土地要小心。崔的父母看到了自己家中种的绿苗。他们没有铁心,记录了他们对铁牛的沉默。 Cui her mother said: "Iron cow! San Niang introduces you to an object! It is a thousand times more beautiful than Tsui." The iron cow lowered his head and did not slam. Cui's father knew that he had not died on Cui, and he said with some anger: "You have to be a kid! Don't think that you have planted a few tips for my family. I have to marry my daughter. You don't know what your identity is. How do you match a farmer and a college student?" The head of the iron cow was lowered into the crotch and whispered, "Three uncles, you can rest assured! I will not be entangled in the green." "Let me be assured, let a wife Come back." Cui's father's words were like a whip, and a whip and a whip whipped the heart of the iron cow. Iron Bull thought about it, he turned back to Cui and her mother said: "Sanniang, who did you say who is the girl?" Cui her mother is so happy. Jade came back during the summer vacation, just in time to catch up with the iron cow and her distant cousin to marry, this cousin looks dark, looks ordinary, short, standing on the side of the tall and burly of the iron bull is not matched. On that day, Cui drank a lot of wine and cried a mess. The iron cow stood on one side and looked at her silently, tears secretly. Cui's parents had to take Tsui, and the parents of the Iron Bulls said that they had persuaded him into the new house. This is a lifetime, when Cui returned to his hometown, his eyes were white, and the iron bull licked the stick to see her get off a small car. The iron cow smiled and said: "Is it green? No relatives yet. Come back and do it?" Cui smiled and said: "I want to make a promise with you." "What do you want?" "You forgot, when you were five years old, you said that you would marry my wife." Big mouth grinning. “五岁了?现在我们快六十岁了,已经过了五岁了,你还记得吗?” “好吧!记住,不仅要记住让你兑现!”崔说很认真。铁牛的脸有些慌乱。他忍不住摸了摸白头,说道:“算了!它已经老了,别让孩子们笑。” “开玩笑,开个玩笑!如果您不再次兑现,我们这辈子就没有机会……”崔含泪说道,转身离开。铁牛伸出了他的手,但他最终没有采取任何行动阻止她,因为他害怕儿子的冷漠眼神,害怕邻居的陌生眼神,他只能看着她的误解。车上,大滴的眼泪掉了。

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