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时间:2019-10-19 来源: 作者:  浏览次数:
   I don’t have a sister here. My resignation is being spurred by the resignation letter of “The world is so big, I want to see it.” I am imagining when I can be so self-willed. In the morning, just after going to work, the boss handed over a letter of resignation saying: The world is so big, I want you to check it out. Speaking of the reason why I was dismissed is a bit ridiculous, I am an avid self-timer control, the boss said that I use a variety of self-timers during work hours, there is a suspicion of leaking company secrets. Sister is too lazy to argue with him, this place does not stay in the sister, own sister. Sister does not believe, my hardcore self-timer control will not be used. Immediately open the computer to find a job, see a company recruiting manager assistant, I immediately apply. In the resume section, I wrote: "I can shoot, lie, lie, side, and shoot in 9 different poses." In this world, you must always believe in miracles. After a week, the company turned out to be. Let me go to the interview. Before going to the interview, I was prepared for everything, and even the east wind did not owe it. I checked the company's official website, read N more introductions, and recited examples of self-introduction. I bought a new dress, made a light makeup, and wore a high-heeled shoe that can improve my temperament. Of course, I did not forget to upload my own nine-shot on WeChat. I also had a sentence to find a new owner. The interviewer took glasses and couldn't see any expression on his face. He introduced himself: "My name is Zhugefei, and I am the manager of the advertising department. Your specialty is a bit interesting. Self-timer, although there is no technical content, our company will I like this kind of courage to show myself. 如果您被录用,您会带给公司什么? “我敢说:“这是一个促进个性和头条新闻的时代。我会像自画像一样宣传这家公司。”他似乎偷偷笑了笑,说:“ 8号去上班。”“ 6月8日与齐齐奇一起被鱿鱼炒鱿鱼,因为我喜欢自画像,因为我喜欢与另一家公司合影,所以我的生活充满了奇迹。这是一家销售日用品的公司,我的工作是每天服用牡丹和马桶精,并对他们说,由于他们使用了牡丹和马桶,妈妈不再需要担心家里的卫生。然后,将这些自画像照片发送到公司的网站和公共微信。最后,在信号上,将其上传到我的朋友圈。我终于明白了诸葛飞原始笑声的含义。因为我每天都要拍摄自画像照片,所以很多人在成功拍摄后不到一周就辞职了。他们无法应付随时随地出现的诸葛飞怪诞的想法,也许您只是在这一秒钟完成了他的设计动作,结束了他的设计思路,而下一秒钟他拒绝了自己的想法。您会像追逐阳光的Kuafu一样,他一直陪着他奔跑,奔跑了一段时间后便逃跑了。逃跑的人给他起了个昵称,奇昊。这是一次很棒的合作,我实际上很愉快。两项技能相同的奇妙作品,其结果总是引起我们很多创造性的火花。 当我遇到诸葛飞时,我终于相信了这句话。如果您不欣赏自己的员工,那么您的优势就是他的缺点。那些欣赏你的人,你的缺点就是对他的好处。有一天,诸葛飞对我说:“我们公司打算将日常化学品组织到社区活动中。现在,最强大的购买力是姨妈,因此我们必须进入社区包围姨妈。其次,您必须想出办法其中一个卖点是卖点,这是产品信息,面向社区的顾客要面对的信息,请在下周五之前告诉我。”我也想在吃东西,睡觉时变得富有创造力,努力工作会有所回报,无意间读了一段:“妈妈,你家的大花呢?” “你已经被陈欣嫁给了你的妹妹。”想法是,阿姨们对大花坛有强烈的感觉。我不能去戛纳,但可以把大片票放入社区。我和诸葛飞谈了我的创造力。他添加了一些细节,然后赞赏地看着我。这种欣赏恰好被我抓住了,于是我们之间开始产生一种尴尬的味道。他轻声咳嗽道:“快点准备,越早越好。”我不知道阿姨们是否在给大花开脸,或者这些日常化学物质真的是阿姨们的必需品。无论如何,社区是非常受欢迎的,而阿姨们则削减了煮沸的洗碗精和牡丹。那天,我的朋友圈也被我的大花坛遮住了。尽管我的脸被晒黑和晒伤,但人们却变得愚蠢而朴实,但这一次自拍照是最有成就感的。同样由于这次社区旅行,我在公司中很有名。 自此,我和诸葛非都有了英雄惜英雄的感觉,但我们谁也没捅破这层窗户纸。美救英雄后,我被炒了鱿鱼转眼,就到了公司周年庆。公司决定在广场上搭一个舞台,诸葛非镇定有序地指挥着员工布置会场,我的眼睛开始不受控制地追随他。我和同屋的李子负责往支架上系写有广告语的横幅和飘带,我系得不是高了就是低了,李子用手在我眼前晃晃说:“拜托,别犯花痴了,虽然你和诸葛旗鼓相当,但公司是不准谈恋爱的。”我尴尬地掩饰说:“我在看那块巨幅广告牌呢。”突然,我捅了李子一下,不好,诸葛非头顶上的那块广告牌好像要掉下来。紧接着,我大叫一声,冲过去,推开了诸葛非,因为用力过猛,我俩都扑倒在地。
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