

时间:2019-10-19  来源:  作者:  浏览次数:

   Arrangement of fate After graduating from college, I worked in a city in the south for a few years, screaming for a better future in a foreign land. Once I went home for the Spring Festival and looked at my parents' growing face, I changed my life plan and decided to stay and start a business in my hometown. In this way, I opened a mountain bike store on the street not far from home. At the beginning of the business, I was both a boss and a clerk. I was in the store during the day and night. I also organized cycling activities for the riders on weekends. Although busy, it was very fulfilling. That weekend, I organized a rider to ride the lotus. Early in the morning, when the car shop just opened, she came to a girl. She wanted to participate in our activities, but she had never traveled so far before, and she could not keep up. At that time, the car shop did not have a logistical support car, so I did not advocate that the newbie would ride so far for the first time, not only can not afford physical strength, but also bad for the body. So I advised her to buy a car and then ride for a few days, and then adjust to participate in the event. After thinking a little, the girl still insisted on trying, and picking up the car followed the team. Because she is a novice, on the road, I took special care of her and deliberately slowed down with her. I taught her how to change speed and how to control the speed according to her own situation. When she was tired, I cheered her up and took the chocolate out of her backpack for her to eat. In this way, we chatted while riding, unconsciously, she actually rode to the end. She almost screamed with excitement and thanked me with a voice, saying that my encouragement gave her the courage to persevere. On the way back, I am not at ease, still with her. 一开始,我说她听了。后来,这个话题又被扩展了。我们每个人都谈论学校的轶事。原来我们是高中校友,但我比她大一岁。当谈到自己的幸福时,她笑了又笑。笑声像一串美丽的音符。伴随着温暖的风,路边的树枝似乎在跳舞。根据自行车俱乐部的习惯,我们互相称呼网的名称。车手们像风一样叫我,由于屏幕名称中的“彩虹”,每个人都称呼她的彩虹。彩虹很有趣,微笑很温暖,也很动人。那天晚上,我躺在床上,习惯性地听音乐,但是我无法长时间入睡。在音乐中,周杰伦(Jay Chou)的歌被演唱,他深深地唱歌:“我看不到你的微笑,我怎么能睡觉.”我按下了循环播放按钮,一遍又一遍地听着陶醉。在月光透过纱窗把床遮住之前,树影摇摆了,树影笼罩着灿烂的笑容,好玩,好可爱,让人无法入睡。我用自己的方式安静地爱你入睡,我只是起床整理白天拍摄的照片。人们发现,我无意中拍摄了彩虹的最多照片。也许,我已经喜欢过那个可爱的女孩,但我不知道。我编辑了在自行车运动小组准备的照片。上传后,我专注于整理彩虹的照片。年轻的脸庞基本上不需要修饰,任何一个都是最美丽的时刻。我选择了,其中一个无法删除。我只是将所有照片制作成一系列带有音乐的动态专辑。 在镜头下,彩虹像花一样微笑,像燕子一样轻盈。在蓝天白云的背景下,青春的活力慢慢流淌,带给人们冲动拥抱阳光,拥抱美好生活的冲动。我创建了一个新文件夹来保存彩虹的照片。当我写下文件夹的名称时,我的双手和想法写下了“我的女孩”一词。看着让人心动的四个词,我禁不住微笑。二十到几个人,像一个张开嘴的小男孩怎么样?彩虹不是一个喜欢自大的女孩。在小组中,她很少说话,但是在俱乐部的活动中,她并没有摔倒。她开朗而热情,成为了我的好助手。每当她这样做时,她都会尽力而为,对我有很大帮助。当她遇到新手时,她会照顾并鼓励他们。而且,每次活动之后,我都会像我第一次那样,用难以言喻的甜蜜安静地整理出她的照片。专辑的背景音乐是她喜欢听的歌。在QQ中,我们也时不时地聊天,说这一切都无关紧要,但它始终没有完成,没人愿意说再见,经常聊到深夜。深秋的日子是彩虹的生日。我已经邀请了一些好车手来庆祝她。在送她回家的路上,我拿出了生日礼物。那是我在骑自行车活动的六个月中为她拍摄的所有照片。我要求人们制作精美的相册。彩虹很惊讶,她很兴奋地站在路灯下。她哭了:“随风,你知道吗?我很高兴,这是我收到的最好的生日礼物!”那天晚上,我们在晚上乘车回到了晚上。 夜深人静的街道,行人车辆寥寥,唯有我们的车轮声沙沙作响,几乎听得见彼此的呼吸和心跳。真想就这样一直骑下去,直到太阳升起,直到天荒地老。

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